Saturday 7 January 2012

Happy 65th Birthday Dad and Happy 100th Birthday to Mr Charles Addams

My Dad turns 65 today, another huge milestone for him.  So Happy Birthday to my Dad.  I might class you as "Vintage" now, hehehe.

Sadly, Charles Addams passed away in 1988, but his macabre humour for life and his cartoons will live on for a very long time.  Thanks for Google for making their search logo in his honour today, otherwise I would not have know that he shared his birthday with my special Dad too and chosen to learn more about him today.

Charles Addams late wife Tee set up a foundation in their honour called Tee & Charles Addams Foundation:  Their is some history about them on the website.  Tee sounded like she was a gorgeous caring lady.  Charles was married twice before (well according to Wikipedia) and he thought that one of his previous wives wanted to kill him (may have had some truth in it or maybe he thought up the story as an excuse to divorce her?)

Either way the universe put Marilyn "Tee" Matthews together in the end).  Tee was a model and had a huge passion for animals and their welfare.  They were married in a pet cemetery, in the 80's they moved to a new property and named it "The Swamp" and after Charles passed on his ashes were laid to rest in the pet cemetery on their property.

Over his lifetime Charles drew more than 1300 cartoons and drawings and a huge inspiration for many artist to follow!

Funny for us but also sad was that he didn't like children and this shows in his "Addams Family" cartoons in a way.  But he also had a soft spot for animals like his wife.  He sounded like quite the character himself and no doubt his inspiration for his artwork was drawn in from those in his life or once in his life.

My children haven't been introduced to "The Addams Family" as yet, I just might need to see if the series is on DVD sometime.  They will love it as I did when I was young.  Luckily my children have the same taste for ghoulish dark humour as I do.


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